the time is now

I’ve been putting off this post because I keep listening to the little voice in my head that says “nobody cares, Taylor”…. but, one thing I’ve learned throughout the past year is that little voice is a liar. 

one week ago today, i arrived home from Beachboy’s COACH SUMMIT in Nashville. What is Summit? a 3-day event where the company does things such as motivate, inspire, launch new products, award people with recognition for their work and advancements throughout the past year, & so much more. 

I actually earned my ticket for FREE last year for becoming something called a “SUCCESS STARTER” in the business last year- the first 3 months I was a coach, I reached certain milestones & the company rewarded me by sending a free summit ticket. I never would have been able to achieve this without the guidance of my upline coach, Katy Ursta (who was undergoing chemo & raising two kids under the age of 4 at the time- very easily could have said “figure it out yourself, honey) BUT, she didn’t. she believed in me & she made it a priority to help me reach this my goals. 

the funny thing is, last year during Summit, I was a brand new, not even month old coach- & I was watching all these other coaches go to this little thing called Summit. I saw how motivated & inspired & positive they were- & so I bought a ticket for the following year before they even got on flights home. When I earned my free ticket, the company said “hey, girl. nope. you get this for free.” & reimbursed me what I had spent on the purchased ticket without me even asking… that was my first experience with how much the company values us as coaches. I thought that was pretty cool & couldn’t wait to go & experience everything myself the next year. 

upon arriving in Nashville, we were greeted with the warmest welcome by literally EVERYONE related to the company. When walking in to the room where I was picking up my registration items, the people working the desk literally CHEERED for me when they pulled out my 1 star diamond medal & ticket that said I would be recognized on stage. I’m not sure if they were just trying to make their work day go faster or if they actually were just that excited for me… but they absolutely made me feel like a rockstar. 
We followed that up with the Dream Team Live training- a training hosted by the number 1 coach in the company featuring elite coaches in our organization who shared their stories, gave us tips to growing our business, & so much more. 

Immediately following that, I got to workout LIVE with Sagi, the creator of Body Beast (maybe I have a little crush…) & Dave’s favorite program! 

That evening, at opening ceremonies, all of the new1-4 star diamond coaches were recognized & I had a total “is this real?” moment- because I remembered the previous year- a brand new coach, sitting in my office, watching these ceremonies live streamed on my computer & thinking… “maybe I could walk across that stage one day”… 

Brand new programs & products were announced:

The Masters Hamer & Chisel (coming this winter)
…. & so much more stuff still to come!

are you a current challenger? there’s gonna be an app for that! ;) 

NEXT MORNING- CIZE with Shaun T at 6am! if you know me, you know 6am is NOT my greatest hour. but, there was just so much energy surrounding me- it was absolutely impossible not to get out of bed & get myself moving. The rest of the day was full of speakers- one of them being my upline once again, Katy Ursta, speaking on sharing the power of your story. 

What I would have to say… was my absolute most favorite moments of all of Summit… took place during the closing ceremonies. 

For starters, Beachbody awarded 2 people $100,000 just for becoming healthier & deciding to make a change in their lives. Their stories were beyond indescribable & moved the whole stadium of over 20,000 people to tears. 

But, my absolute FAVORITE moment.. happened when the company awarded COACHES who have gone above & beyond with special awards. 

& once again… that upline of mine… was awarded the Humanitarian Award. 


Because after battling cancer, she decided she needed to be a force to be reckoned with & raise money to find a cure. 

But, she didn’t stop there. 

She called me up & said- want to work on this together? We’ll get the team involved. We’ll raise $50,000 & get a research grant named after your cousin, Emily. 

But, she didn’t- & we didn’t- stop there. 

We raised $70,000 in 10 weeks for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It was all part of this campaign for the “Woman of the Year” through LLS- & we didn’t “win” that day....

But, let me tell you… when they gave Katy that award at LP field in front of 20,000 people… I realized then that this whole “beachbody thing” is so much bigger than some shakes & some workout programs. 

Do the programs work? 110%- if you’re commited. 
Do I believe in the products? 110%- they’re fool proof
Am I proud to be a coach? 110%- I am committed to helping my challengers & coaches achieve their version of success. 

But, I knew all of that before I attended Summit. 

What I didn’t realize.. was how much this company believes in US. Just a little team… trying to make a difference. They saw us sweating for other people and showing others that EVERY. SWEAT. MATTERS. 

They watched us.....`

Sweating for something bigger.

Spreading our JOY. 

We absolutely need to continue this trend of ending obesity. Changing lives. Paying it forward. 

Team Sweat for Joy needs go-givers… people who are in this to give freely of themselves to help make a difference. 

When you dedicate your life to serving others… you are rewarded in more ways than you could ever imagine. 


The time is now.

Below is an application for you to learn more.
I am PERSONALLY training new coaches beginning August 3rd to make sure you get a jump start on your business. I want to see you all in Nashville with me next year- paying it forward. 

Do you feel like you’re meant for something more?

This is for you. 

Fill out my online form.
The easy to use Wufoo form builder helps you make forms easy, fast, and fun.


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