No Carb Pizza Crust
We've all tried it at this point. We're human, so we love pizza. We also love fitting into our jeans, so we try that Cauliflower Crust Pizza recipe that is floating around in Pinterest. We are so excited! Our house smells like farts the whole time it's cooking & the smell lingers for a week. AND it doesn't satisfy that pizza craving.. at all. Just me? Let me shoot you straight and say this recipe I'm about to share is NOT going to make me NEVER eat REAL PIZZA again. I will. And I will LOVE IT. But, instead of indulging once a week, I think with this little trick up my sleeve, I can cut back to once a month, for sure. Here's ALL YOU NEED: 1 10oz can of chicken (read your labels! Not all canned chicken is created equally and a lot of them have gross preservatives in them. Try to find one that is just chicken, water, and salt). 1 egg 1 oz grated parmesan cheese (I used a vegan version of parmesan for this and it was great!) Directions: -preheat