It's the moment I have been waiting for since this program was announced.... Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps is preparing to launch as a COACH EXCLUSIVE program for two weeks before the company releases it to the general public! We go live MARCH 1ST! Having a baby brother that is a MARINE obviously causes this program to SERIOUSLY pull at my heart strings! The longest three months of my life were the months he spent in boot camp and we could only communicate with him via snail mail & had no clue what he was doing everyday! Having this program as a salute to our service men & women & veterans is absolutely amazing & I am so proud to be able to offer this to all of my customers! Can we just take a second and talk facts about this program?! This is seriously.... AMAZING... for busy people like me! Each workout is only 22 minutes long... YES, THEY'RE ONLY 22 MINUTES LONG! I hear so often from people say that they don't have time to make it to the ...