Sweating for Something Bigger: What does that even mean?
It’s been brought to my attention that in order for a blog to work, you have to actually write blog posts. (I can’t wait for the day where technology can just pull the thoughts from my brain and create them into articles of value for people reading them- seriously- I will be so successful when that happens!) I think I struggle with coming up with content because I spend too much time reading the blogs of other coaches and comparing myself to them- I’m not good in the kitchen, I’m not very self-motivated when it comes to working out, & I do not have my crap together in the least. (Except today… cleaning lady came today. I think I can now run the country- how does a clean house make me feel that much better?!) So, I got to thinking about what I am good at sharing. And I thought… why don’t I just blog about that? duh! I’m passionate about dancing, fundraising, LLS, sweating for something bigger- start there! Sweating for something bigger. You’ve seen me talk about it...