Sweating for Something Bigger: What does that even mean?

It’s been brought to my attention that in order for a blog to work, you have to actually write blog posts. (I can’t wait for the day where technology can just pull the thoughts from my brain and create them into articles of value for people reading them- seriously- I will be so successful when that happens!) I think I struggle with coming up with content because I spend too much time reading the blogs of other coaches and comparing myself to them- I’m not good in the kitchen, I’m not very self-motivated when it comes to working out, & I do not have my crap together in the least. (Except today… cleaning lady came today. I think I can now run the country- how does a clean house make me feel that much better?!)

So, I got to thinking about what I am good at sharing. And I thought… why don’t I just blog about that? duh! I’m passionate about dancing, fundraising, LLS, sweating for something bigger- start there! 

Sweating for something bigger.

You’ve seen me talk about it a lot. You’ve seen others talk about it, too. But, in it’s truest sense, where did this idea come from?

Honestly, it came from thinking I wasn’t valuable enough. I wasn’t worth getting up everyday and pushing play for. Hours spent in the gym for me? Who do I think I am?

But… when I thought of people out there who couldn’t sweat, couldn’t walk, couldn’t eat, couldn’t speak… it all became worth it. In order for this to work, I had to remove ME, from the equation, and make it all about them. 

Because I am grieving. And, as of recently, I’ve realized… I will never stop grieving. 

When you lose someone that close to you, time does not make it any better. 

I recently was talking to a dear friend of mine who lost her father some time ago. She said it makes her beyond angry when people tell her “in time it will get better”. I couldn't agree with her more. 

There will never be a day that goes by that Emily is not at the forefront of my thoughts. I’ve lost people before, but never anyone this close. My life was never rocked like this- & coming to terms with the fact, that somedays, it’s just actually okay to be really sad- has been a great awakening. As long as you don’t let the sadness overrun your life, it’s more than okay to take some time each day to let those emotions take over. 

So, what if you took that sadness and you channeled it into something to inspire others through their hard times as well? 

What if you took those emotions and relieved them by going for a walk? maybe in a month you’re going for a run… maybe in another month, you’re able to run for an hour…

You see, the mind & the heart truly do work simultaneously if you’ll let them. 

Throughout the Woman of the Year campaign and the quest to raise $50,000 in order to get the grant named after Emily, something crazy happened. A LOT of cancer survivors, warriors, family members of lost loved ones reached out to me because we started this movement to sweat for someone else every single day. Throughout those times, I don’t think I missed a single workout, because it was about something much bigger than me. 

Today, I shot out of bed ready to press play because I knew a friend was going to get some news today as to whether or not his treatment would be done as of next week. That is the stuff that motivates me- because it gives people hope. 

Hope- it’s a very small word behind a huge concept. 

What if you woke up everyday with a grateful mindset and an attitude that you were going to inspire just one person to make a better choice? Just give one person HOPE… that they are not alone? 

I promise you…

You can be a spark that can set the world on fire…. but you have to have a crazy amount of HOPE. 

Will you light just one fire today?

To join my next challenge group based around a healthy body and a grateful heart: click here!

To apply to join my team of coaches and TRULY Sweat for Joy: click here!



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