
Showing posts from October, 2015

Super Saturday + Behind the Scenes

A lot of questions have been coming at me about this thing I was at this past weekend called Super Saturday. It's not the first Super Saturday I've posted about & as many of you know- one of these events in April is the day that my business WHY evolved and emerged... it was always in there, but it's so much more than just sharing some DVD's & shakes. so, I wanted to take some time to fill you all in on what a Beachbody Super Saturday actually is, why they're important, & how you can attend... Exclusive Diamond Training friday night with Jeff Hill!  First, this past weekend was Pittsburgh's Super Saturday for the 4th quarter. Each quarter of the year, we all gather in cities to go over new business information, be inspired by success stories from coach and challengers, cheer each other on for our accomplishments, transformations, & successes, get in a kick butt live workout, take A LOT OF SELFIES! (my favorite part of the job), & squee...

Fix Approved Broccoli Mac & Cheese!

oh MY GOSH!!!!! my cousin sent me this recipe the other day & i was like yeah, okay, add it to the list of "clean comfort foods" to create when i have a "spare moment".... THANK GOD I DECIDED TO FIND A SPARE MOMENT TODAY! this literally only took me 20 minutes from start to finish & when i tasted it, i said a bad word. it's THAT good. & let's all press the rewind button and remind you that mac & cheese is my favorite food. like, ever. for my birthday every year, my mom says "what do you want for dinner?" every year, it's homemade mac & cheese. i am so happy that my stomach won't be nearly as angry with that decision from now on! the ingredients list is SO BASIC & i made mine gluten free, as well. here you go! INGREDIENTS: 6 cups macaroni pasta (i suggest whole wheat, but i use gluten free pasta!) 4 cups frozen broccoli florets 1/13 cup monteray jack cheese 11/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese * note for the...

Who Am I?

hey! thanks for stopping by!  i wanted to take a second to introduce myself!  my name is Taylor {duh} & i currently live in Pittsburgh, PA & i'm married to my husband, Dave. we got married in 2013 & we have the cutest dog i the whole world, but i could be biased  wink emoticon i started coaching in may of 2014 after a few life events which caused me to gain about 30lbs. i took an office job, which was a lot of sitting when my body was used to dancing all day everyday. i then fell in love, so i gained some "happy" weight lol & then when i got engaged, i yoyo dieted. i did every fad diet out there to try to lose weight before my big day & SHOCKER- NONE OF THEM WORKED! i was looking for a quick fix. i would eat only cottage cheese for weeks at a time... i would pretend like i was going to workout, but then i would get intimidated at the gym & do about 10 min on the treadmill & then leave.  i was sick all the time. &...

How to cook a spaghetti squash!

the first time i attempted a spaghetti squash, i almost lost a limb. i figured it was a good topic to blog about once i figured it out & kept all fingers & hands in tact! it seems so logical, but for the kitchen impaired, IT'S NOT! i tried multiple methods (except the microwave method because i try to avoid the microwave at all costs) & this was the one i found the easiest & most effective! steps to follow: 1. preheat oven to 375 2. create "slice punctures" in the spaghetti squash 3. bake for 45 minutes 4. remove from oven & let cool (or if you're impatient like myself, put on an oven mit & proceed to step 5...) 5. cut squash ends off 6. cut squash in half 7. scoop out seeds & center portion of sqaush (i found this easiest to do on a baking sheet so i could be messy then just toss the remains) 8. peel out rest of insides with a fork! literally- peel them all out! you can eat everything except for the skin, which is really thin...

Buffalo Chicken "Spaghetti"

remember that time i blogged about how i had no clue how to cut open a spaghetti squash? well, i figured it out! & made this awesome, hearty, CLEAN, low-carb, dinner!  here you go! INGREDIENTS: spaghetti squash, cooked { click here for directions on how to cook a spaghetti squash! } shredded buffalo chicken (i put my chicken in the crock pot for 4 hours on high covered in hot sauce, then shredded with a fork & cooked on low for another half hour to save time & have for more than just this meal!) cheese of your choice (i used blue & parm, but will probably change this each time i make it)  clove of garlic salt & pepper  DIRECTIONS: preheat oven to 375 combine cooked spaghetti squash, shredded chicken, cheese, & garlic in casserole dish cover with foil & bake for 15 minutes, remove foil & bake for another 15 (or until bubbly & a little browned) REMOVE FROM OVEN & ENJOY!