Who Am I?

thanks for stopping by! 
i wanted to take a second to introduce myself! 
my name is Taylor {duh} & i currently live in Pittsburgh, PA & i'm married to my husband, Dave. we got married in 2013 & we have the cutest dog i the whole world, but i could be biased wink emoticon
i started coaching in may of 2014 after a few life events which caused me to gain about 30lbs.
i took an office job, which was a lot of sitting when my body was used to dancing all day everyday. i then fell in love, so i gained some "happy" weight lol & then when i got engaged, i yoyo dieted. i did every fad diet out there to try to lose weight before my big day & SHOCKER- NONE OF THEM WORKED! i was looking for a quick fix. i would eat only cottage cheese for weeks at a time... i would pretend like i was going to workout, but then i would get intimidated at the gym & do about 10 min on the treadmill & then leave. 
i was sick all the time. & tired even more...
in 2013, i lost my cousin Emily to leukemia & my whole world was rocked. the couple of pounds i lost before my wedding quickly packed on plus some & in february of 2014, i reached the end of my rope.
i snuck upstairs & ordered t25 & shakeology on the beachbody website- with no coach or any guidance. i did about 5 minutes of the workouts each day for a week, but i was really hard on myself & didn't have the accountability to push through. 
then, in march, i met my coach, Katy. she had just been diagnosed with lymphoma & was just starting treatment. her & her husband went to college with dave.... & we clicked. i understood her treatment & what she was going through. we become really close friends & i made her my coach. i joined an accountability group & committed to drinking shakeology for the health benefits it provided for me everyday- & i lost 30lbs in 6 months! {insert happy dance!} 
not only have i lost weight & gained confidnce, but with Katy's guidance & the support of our team of challengers & coaches.... they helped me to raise over $50,000 this past May in order to have a research grant named after my cousin who passed- Emily Leyland- through LLS. {we actually raised $70,000 total in 10 weeks} 
this whole "thing" is about so much more than just getting healthy for me & i hope i come across that way to all of you! 
but, what i have found, is that i can give more when i am making healthy choices. 
yes, i still drink my wine & eat whatever i want on occasion... because life is all about balance. 
i hope you find some comfort in this page for whatever reason you came here for- grief, health, fitness, nutrition, recipes- whatever!
i would love to help you reach your goals, so please don't hesitate to reach out by email tmolitierno@gmail.com
all my joy
heart emoticon


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