Whole30: Why, What, How, & RESULTS!
Gosh, I cannot believe I am even writing this! I finished my Whole 30 journey this past week, but it feels like I literally just started it yesterday... without all of the first week symptoms. I wanted to take some time to not only share HOW I went about this journey, but WHY. I know there are people out there who could potentially relate, so here I won't spare ANY details. WHY? This is a major question people ask. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?! Seems to be the common theme. Well, here's why: 1. Hormones. Before I became pregnant with Frankie, we were advised that I should do an elimination diet. Certain foods can trigger certain hormones and not allow certain natural things to happen. We were testing out fine as far as fertility goes, so, I figured, what do we have to lose?! I started by cutting out gluten and within a couple of months, we were expecting :) SO, I pretty much am aware that my hormones ARE in fact affected by foods. After giving birth, it's totall...