HOW TO: Have a HAPPY + HEALTHY Thanksgiving!

If you're like me, the holiday's come with a weird layer of stress around the fact that I really don't want to feel deprived of good foods, but I also don't want to un-do all of the hard work I have put in throughout the first 10 months of the year. Food, for me, is a constant battle of what I "want" and what I actually WANT-- not just because it is in front of my face. Here are my top 5 tips to follow this Thanksgiving to keep yourself happy, on track, and following your instincts when it comes to eating this amazing dinner. 1. Know what your intention is BEFORE you go into Thanksgiving dinner and be at PEACE with it. The worst thing to do, for me, is to not be SURE if I'm going to go off the rails or not, then eat 2 pieces of pie and beat myself up for it for another two days. It's NOT WORTH SACRIFICING THAT MUCH TIME OVER. Decide from the beginning: Are you going to stick to your healthy eating plan, are you going to allow yourself A LITTLE ...