Whole30 HALFWAY POINT Review!

We made it to the halfway mark! I cannot believe how quickly this 30 days is actually going by and I cannot believe even MORE that I haven't even considered caving ONCE. I have had a few minor cravings, but nothing that I wasn't able to manage with other activities. The recipes I have been experimenting with are honestly so good that I cannot wait to sit down and eat them! My body feels so regulated and scheduled that it is hard to even consider going back to my old ways of eating. Here is the WEEK 2 RECAP and my experiences from days 8-14: Day 8: Headache. My head was literally pounding when I woke up, but once I got myself moving, I was able to fight through it. Day 9: Increased energy, I was able to wake up to the early alarm and push through my workout (it felt a little off, but it got done) and I started to feel like my mental clarity was really THERE. Typical Breakfast/Lunch Day 10: Um, confused... I was feeling really great, like I could tell I was los...