What to Expect When Your Friend is Suddenly No Longer Expecting

Nine months has passed. The dust has settled on our lives a little bit and we are starting to comprehend everything we have been through and experienced and it's on my heart to start to share what has been helpful and what has not been helpful. My hope is that this will help people help their friends and give them a little peak into what life for those of us who have been through this loss experience as we move through our grief. I get a message every single day from someone who has a friend who is suffering the loss of an infant or late term pregnancy and their question is almost always a panicked, "How can I help them?!" My intent is to use this blog as my platform to offer you advice on how to help your own friends. First of all, if you are one of those friends, thank you. It's so much easier to walk away from this type of thing. Diving right in there and sitting with your friend in their grief is a beautiful, special place to be. With that being said, her...