how do you keep berries fresh?

Okay, so I'm not 100% sure that this is blog worthy information.... But considering I spent a significant amount of time on the Internet trying to find tips for this, I'm thinking maybe it is...

So, buying organic berries is important, right? 

But how the heck are you supposed to eat them fast enough before they get that white fuzz all over them?! 

Here's a what I learned to avoid the strawberry mold from happening so quickly! 

-wash them as soon as you get home from the grocery store! 
-cut them & lay them out on a paper towel as you go
-once they're all cut, dab a paper towel over top of them absorbing as much moisture and water as possible! 
-line a Tupperware container with paper towel before storing them! 
-to help keep them even longer, change out the paper towel when you feel it's fairly soaked

The key to keeping berries fresh is keeping the moisture out! Try this and let me know if it helps! 

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