Hi there!

It’s me- Taylor - & I wanted to take some time to fill you all in as to what is going on this month! Each month, I will create a monthly newsletter to keep you all up to date on my calendar & what the company has going on, as well! Save these emails for reference should you need some info! 


Last month, the 21 day fix & 21 day fix extreme were on sale- & guess what! they’ve extended that sale through the month of July. The fix is the meal planning guide that changed my life, the way I look at food, &  how I prepare my food! It also comes with a different workout DVD for everyday of the week, color coded portion controlled containers, & a month supply of Shakeology! To see what the fix & fix extreme are all about, check out these videos! 

21 day fix:

what is the difference between the original 21 day fix & the 21 day fix extreme? Autumn tells us here!

What I love about this sale is that you can get either the 21 day fix OR the 21 day fix extreme for only $10 more than Shakeology alone- it’s kind of a no brainer as Shakeology is the one meal a day that I know I am getting in that is 100% good for me, full of vitamins, nutrients, & dense superfoods! 

check out those challenge packs here!

21 Day Fix + Shakeology 

21 Day Fix EXTREME (for the more intense workouts or original fix graudautes!) + Shakeology 

Want to kickstart your results? Start your 21 Day Fix journey with the 3-day-refresh! A 3 day cleanse to help boost your weight loss, rid of all the “junk” in your system, or kick any bad habits to the curb! 

The next thing we MUST talk about is all of the NEW RELEASES coming out this month! 

For starters, Autumn created a cookbook called FIXATE- 100 21 DAY FIX APPROVED RECIPES!!!! I’m super pumped for this cookbook as it is going to add a ton of variety to my meal plans & I can’t wait to check it out! 

As a gift to all of you, if you order a 21 day fix challenge pack this month, the month of July 2015, I will send you a FREE copy of FIXATE as a thank you :) 

NEXT…. the long awaited CIZE is being released next week, also!

What is CIZE?

This is FUN workouts that are broken down into STEPS for the any "dancer"  at any level.  It's not about the crazy push ups and diamond jumps... it's really about focusing on a BEAT.  The beat moves you to the results you want!

Beginner:  These participants are new to working out or haven't worked out in awhile and are looking to begin a workout and nutritional plan. You don't love anything that feels like a workout but you also wouldn't call yourself a dancer... (unless it involves a couple of drinks at your best friend's wedding).

Likely, the goal  of this program is weight loss, lower blood pressure, and learn more about healthy living, but to stick with it, IT HAS TO BE FUN!  These participants will be following the beginner portion of the program. These participants will be working exclusively with MY coach & dear friend, Katy Ursta (9 star diamond & ELITE coach!)

Advanced:  These participants have some background in dance and are ready to move at a faster pace.  It's easy for you to pick up choreography, and you love the challenge of a new program!  You are looking to dust off your dancing shoes, lose weight, tone up, or get back into working out!  You need your workout to be FUN!  You will be working with a trained dancer, (me!) to really focus on the mastering the moves and your nutrition!

If any of these categories describe you, then I WOULD LOVE FOR you to participate right along with me.  Here's the opportunity I have starting Monday, July 20th!:

Daily accountability
Nutritional plan
Tips and motivation
Opportunity to win $500 
A FREE T-Shirt

If you are interested in joining this BETA TEST GROUP, then send me an email! I can be reached quicker at OR fill out this application below!

One FINAL announcement (for now) is that Beachbody is also launching a *NEW PERFOMRANCE LINE* of supplements! If you’re one that likes your preworkout, during workout hydration, post workout recovery, etc… this will be for YOU! I will send out more information about all of that once it launches, but stay tuned! 

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions! I’m so excited for this FUN month & can’t wait to get these new challenge groups up & running! 

All my joy, 

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