The Friday Carl came & coaches took over your timeline.

If you're alive and have a Facebook, I'm sure you were aware that in Pittsburgh, this weekend was a huge deal for individuals involved in this thing called.. Beachbody. It surely was a weekend I will not likely forget. 

How big is Dave's smile?
fun at Mel's party!
On Friday, the CEO of the company, Carl Daikler, & 21 Day Fix creator, Autumn Calabrese came to represent corporate to honor top coach of 2014, Melanie Mitro. The event was huge-- 1,000 people all there for the same reasons, with different stories, with different journeys. We got to hear 3 amazing transformation stories that were the biggest reminder of why I should never take a day for granted. 

We got to workout with Autumn live! She gave us a little sneak peek at what 21 Day Fix EXTREME will be like coming out February 2nd! We did a "shakeology toast" & while the theme was a "white out" the KNOCKOUT BRIGADE rocked our purple for our fearless leader, Katy Ursta. 

We then got to hear from my coach, Katy. She shared her journey with us from the past year-- having her son, being diagnosed with lymphoma, the battle, the journey, the victory. The video was shown at every Super Saturday event across the country & I've received countless texts and messages from others who heard her story & how it touched them, inspired them. I was immediately taken back to that day in March when I met Katy. When she missed a paid for by Beachbody cruise because of stupid cancer, but it truly was a blessing in disguise., maybe you're like "yes, I get it. You coaches like to workout and drink that shake & take selfies. Whatever". 

But I can't tell you enough... how it is all of those things and none of those things at the same time. & this is coming from a girl who was terrified of the weight I had gained after I stopped dancing as intensely and rigorously. I was too embarrassed to go to the gym because I had no clue what to do. I had no idea what changes to make in my lifestyle to be healthier. 

Katy missed a cruise & taught me how to do all of those things & then some. & then she taught me how to show others how they, too, could do the same. 

& then... she showed me how to sweat for something bigger. 

Christina, Carl, & I!
Yes, I run challenge groups & I help people reach their health, fitness, and lifestyle goals. But, everyday, when I press play on those workout DVD's, it's for something BIGGER. I sweat for those who are fighting for their lives, because I have a beautiful one. I sweat for those who are no longer here because they fought their battles harder than I will ever have to fight. 

I sweat because I can & because it DOES make a difference and this company DOES, HAS AND WILL change lives for years to come. 

Last night, we got to celebrate everything that has been accomplished in the past year. But, truthfully, I am so excited for THIS year to unfold.

The Knockout Brigade!

Diamond Dinner
Because of that missed cruise, Katy is now running for LLS Woman of the Year & I will be there right along side her as her campaign manager. Because of a missed cruise, we have a crazy goal to raise money for the cause

Should I tell you now or later that I get sea sick?
....& in April 2016, we're going on a paid for by Beachbody cruise. 

I'm looking for 5 people who truly want to sweat for something bigger while building their own business & helping others lead healthy and fulfilling lives. 

& maybe earn a free cruise while you're at it. 

Who wants to come with us?


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