Success looks a lot like Accountability

Keeping Dave accountable to getting that shake in!
It's Monday. It's snowing. It's freezing outside. I took Marley outside & the wind actually hurt my bones.... the ONLY thing on my mind is snuggling up with a cup of dark chocolate raspberry coffee & watching Netflix for the next 12 hours. But, this is the real world I live in, and that is definitely not an option.

I check my phone and I have 14 notifications.... 10 of them are from challengers checking into challenge groups informing me that, before I even rolled over in bed this morning, they already got their workout in. Something in me shifts & the next thing I know, I'm chugging some E&E and down to the gym I'm headed to get my 30 minutes of total ME time, a good sweat going, & building the foundation for a healthy, happy, and strong year. (the other 4 notifications are of adorable pictures of dogs making some little boy named Anthony's battle with leukemia a little bit easier.... AMAZING! just had to share that!)

So, WHY is accountability a game changer for me and so many others? For me, it's knowing that there are other people out there with like-minded goals. Everybody just wants to live a healthy, happy life right? & having a buddy system to keep you motivated is perfect for that.

Back at the beginning of this journey last March, I ordered a challenge pack on my own. Without a coach, no challenge group. I had never even heard of Shakeology before! But, I had been searching for something to help make a change. I tried the gym, but I was too self conscious there. I didn't actually know what to do to see results.. I would just wander around aimlessly and play around on an elliptical for 20 minutes. & then I'd go grab some quick, fast food and head home.

THEN, the game changer called ACCOUNTABILITY in the form of my coach came knocking. My coach told me about these challenge groups that she ran. All you had to do to be a part of them was do one of the at-home workouts and drink Shakeology daily. I had both of these things, so it seemed like I should at least try it & make her my coach!

So, the first day I'm in this group I see the other handful of people & we all read about each others goals, what makes us unique, what motivates us, how our coach can help us, and so on and so forth. I'm kind of a wallflower in this sense, because I'm really uncomfortable and nervous... but I start reading about these other people's lives. Some people have struggled with things I can't even imagine. My own coach is going through chemotherapy treatments for lymphoma... and something clicks in me. I realize I have my own story to tell... and not only am I accountable to checking into this group and bettering myself, but I become accountable to keep them motivated, also.

What happened when accountability came into play? SUCCESS. In all varieties. I workout now at least 5 days a week. I drink my Shakeology, my one meal a day that is mindless and makes it completely manageable to make sure I'm getting my daily does of nutrition, & I still check into challenge groups every single day.

I have lost 25 pounds since March.
I'm back in clothes (and leotards!) I was wearing in college.
Dresses I bought for events in the year or so prior to joining a challenge group have been moved to the back of my closet because they are way too big!

But, what I've gained far outmeasures the weight & inches I've lost. I've gained a new respect for my own body and the courage and motivation to help others find their own best self. I take more risks. I love a little deeper. I care a lot more about what goes on in my life on a daily basis. I think more clearly and see the world with a much brighter light around it.
Live-in accountability partners! 

Being held accountable has completely changed my life and mindset.

If you're looking for that extra push, the extra support, and a change in your lifestyle and mindset.. I'm asking you right now to think for just a second what your life might look like once you have achieved these goals? How are things different for you?

There is a whole world of support and accountability out there. All you have to do is commit!

Click here to apply for a challenge group!

All my joy,


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