My favorite thing people say to me is...
"Wow, you're busy!"
YES, I am. I CHOOSE to be.
Which means I have to FIND AND MAKE time to take care of my body + mind. I have to make time for ME so I can STAY BUSY.
Which lead me to the idea for my next ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP.
30 minute (OR LESS) workouts you will stream from any device ANYWHERE! Stuck at work late? Press play on your phone while you wait for that last phone call. Kids have dance class? Press play in the parking lot while you wait. Seriously. No excuses!
PODCAST + Audio books to keep your head straight when you're bouncing from one place to the next.
daily "on the go" shake that will help you get in all your vitamins/nutrients so you can avoid the fast food and multiple Starbucks trips AND SAVE MONEY.
exclusive tracker app to help keep you accountable! No Facebook group so you don't get sucked down the rabbit hole of the newsfeed! I can see what you're tracking on my end and help you stay the course! 👀
We start PREP WEEK on Monday, October 30th.
If you're a busy chick always wondering how you could possibly fit time in for fitness and nutrition in the midst of the madness, this is YOUR SIGN.
If I can do this, anyone can do this!
I am limiting this group to 10 NEW LADIES so I can give you the attention and accountability you deserve!
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