I hope you all are enjoying a lovely start to your December & taking the time to really live in the moment of the joy of the season!
I wanted to check in with you all because recently, I completed the 3 day refresh- this past Wednesday through Friday. I had amazing results & really was set up for success this time!
For starters, I ate the same thing ALL THREE DAYS, which is really what helped me stay on track & not have to overthink a single thing.
Here's what my eating each day consisted of:
BREAKFAST: 1/2 banana & Shakeology
MID MORNING: tea time & fiber sweep
LUNCH: vanilla fresh, cucumber & hummus & 1/2 banana
SNACK: cucumber & hummus
DINNER: vanilla fresh, cucumber & tomato salad (recipe comes with meal planning guide)
Here's what I experienced:
DAY 1: I did workout, which it's recommended that you don't, but I had to teach CIZE & then I really was itching to MOVE, so I did. I had a pretty bad detoxing headache in the afternoon, but other than that, everything was pretty good & I had a very productive day!
DAY 3: When I woke up on day 3, I kid you not, I saw the world a little bit more clearly. I felt like everything just slowed down for me. I was able to really take in the moments of the day, see things I hadn't noticed in a long time, & just focus on what felt right & good for myself & those around me. I wasn't the least bit tempted by sugar, carbs, or anything at all. I was totally content with my refresh meals & excited about checking in with my results the next day.
What were my ultimate results?
I lost 5lbs.
I have recreated the habit of waking up and drinking a glass of water instead of coffee!
I just FEEL LIGHTER- not in a weight sense, but in an overall LIFE sense. This refresh really allowed me to slow down & focus on what is important while focusing on my health.
Also, before Thanksgiving, I broke out in a crazy rash of some sort. I think it was food related, but I wasn't totally sure- but after doing the 3 day refresh, it completely cleared up. By waking up on day 2, it was 90% gone.
Thinking this might be a good way for you to kick off the holiday season or wrap up your year? Fill out the application below for more information!
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