The 2018 Resolution Revolution

'HOPE smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering.... 'it will be happier'...." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

4 years ago, I crawled in my bed one evening... miserable, lost, confused, and seeking company. I kept a smile on for everyone EXCEPT for my husband. He got the WORST of me day in and day out because I refused to make a change. 

I KNEW I couldn't keep living this way. I knew this w
as the way a failed marriage was written... but, I had a glimmer of HOPE that I could change something... I could do better.

I had to ACCEPT my shortcomings, stop placing blame, and I had to TRY. 

I decided to TRY by investing in my health. I had gained 30 lbs that year alone (the year I got married) and I thought MAYBE if I could lose 10 lbs, things would be better.

What I didn't realize was that I could NOT do this alone. I tried.... I didn't want anything to do with a support group or a Coach, I just wanted the 25 minute workout I could do in the privacy of my own home where no one could see me struggling.

One day, I met my Coach. She said "we can all help you"...

I joined her group.

Within 2 months, I lost 15lbs. I went on to lose the other 15.

But, what I GAINED... I never saw that coming.

I gained FRIENDS.
I gained a community.
I gained confidence.
I gained a new wardrobe because nothing fit me anymore.
I gained energy.
I gained clarity.
I gained PASSION.
I gained PATIENCE.
I gained SELF LOVE.
I gained a new perspective.
I gained renewed faith. forward to today....

It's your turn.

You might have a few pounds to lose....

I can help you get the tools and knowledge to be able to do all of that and more.

But, my FRIEND, what you will GAIN when you say YES to the HOPE we can offer you...

You can be happier.

How will this work?

You commit to a workout program you can do from home. I can help you find the one that best suits your likes and dislikes. 

You commit to drinking a superfood nutritional shake as a snack or meal replacement to help fill the gaps you are missing in your meals. 

You commit to being HUMAN. This means you are going to allow yourself to eat the foods you love and crave. Never again will you deprive yourself, but you will learn to listen to what you actually NEED instead of what you want just because it's there, because it fills a void, or because you want to think about something else.

We start on January 1st. I have a spot with your name on it...

Will this be the turning point for you? Or will you still be sitting here in 365 days wondering which page of the book you forgot to turn?

Fill out the application below for more information.


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