NOW ENROLLING: 5/22 "Sweet Revenge" Accountability Group!

It's 3pm and it hits you. The cravings. You start digging through your desk drawer for a Hersey Kiss or twizzler. Just one little piece of candy won't hurt! It won't derail you from your goals!
But, when we consistently reach for the candy stash every day, well, those decisions compound, my friend. And little by little, your pants are too tight, the scale keeps tipping upward, you get more and more tired, and all the hard work you put in at the gym seems to be for nothing.
Does this sound like you?
It sure as heck sounds like me!
My team and I have come up with the theme for our next Challenge Group starting prep week on Monday, May 22nd: SWEET REVENGE.
Take control of your cravings, for good. Lose the weight that has been hanging on for far too long. Get SWEET REVENGE on your cravings and those people who said you couldn't or wouldn't ever do it.
Sounds great, but what in the actual heck is a Challenge Group?!
It's a health and fitness accountability group run exclusively for my customers via the MY CHALLENGE TRACKER APP.
We focus on:
-30 minute workouts per day
-Meal planning
-Meal prepping
-Making BETTER choices to replace your not so great ones from the past
We are not:
-100% clean eaters
We are:
-humans who have cravings
-humans who just need support from other humans to make it through this thing called life
In the group you will get:
-access to the exclusive My Challenge Tracker app
-1 year subscription to Beachbody On Demand where you can stream every single workout program Beachbody has ever created and anything that launches within the next year! (New programs coming May 16th, June 12th, and mid July!)
-30 day supply of our superfood nutritional shake, Shakeology to replace ONE meal per day and help REALLY kick your system into gear.
-color coded portion control container system
-Shakeology shaker cup
-1:1 support from your Coach (ME!)
-peer support from other challengers and Coaches on our team
-prepared meal plans
-meal prepping tips and tricks
-& as an added bonus to this group, we will be focusing on ways to replace "bad sweet tooth cravings" with some "better for the waist line and mental clarity" alternatives! (Like this Shakeology mug cake!

Most individuals who work with my team lose the weight they intended, seem to have a greater appreciation for life, become more grateful, have more energy & better relationships with spouses and children. Proceed to the application with caution! ;)
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