But, that all looks different now.... however, the last statement STILL rings true. If I can do this, you can do this. We can do hard things, no matter what the path looks like that has lead us to right here-- to this program.
This will be my FIRST workout program post birthing our beautiful angel born asleep, Francesca Joy at 28 weeks gestation. There will be no working out while a baby is in a bouncer seat. There will be no meal prepping in between feedings. I was ready for this post baby transformation. I was excited to rock some results.

I am super pumped that I have the privilege to run a Beta Test Group-- a LAUNCH GROUP for this brand new program. I have the opportunity to guide people through this program and help them get the results they want and need. This is exactly what I need to be focused on right now-- helping others become the best version of themselves, from the inside out.
Here's what you need to know....
It's time for CORE DE FORCE.
What is Core de Force?
CORE DE FORCE is an explosive mixed martial arts-inspired total body workout designed by Beachbody Super Trainers Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews to blast fat and carve your waist in just 30 days - with no equipment. |
Who is this program for? |
Anyone who wants to tighten up their midsection, carve a stronger core, and sculpt total-body definition. CORE DE FORCE is great for intermediate or advanced exercisers-or graduates of INSANITY MAX:30™, TurboFire®, or P90X®-but beginners and people who are looking for significant weight loss can follow the modifier and drop serious weight too. It's also a great choice for people looking to try a workout inspired by mixed martial arts. Trainers Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews packed CORE DE FORCEwith Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai moves that are both effective AND empowering. Those who want to see results fast will also love the program. The high-energy mix of combinations, bodyweight training, and cardio is designed to get you into knockout shape in 30 days. Basically, if you want results, mentally and physically, this program is going to challenge and change you, and shape you into more than what you might even be looking for. That typically is always what I find when I complete one of these programs beginning to end-- THEY WORK!
1. Participants will be expected to check in daily to |
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