Breakfast Egg Cups

let's face it. 
mornings are rough. 

It's hard enough to not hit the snooze, let alone make yourself a healthy breakfast. & with all those drive-through "2 for 1 + free coffee" specials, it's way too easy to fill our bellies with grease & fake meat.  of course, I always recommend your daily dose of superfood nutrition in the form of Shakeology for breakfast & for those of you on the go, but if breakfast is a meal you'd like to eat, then this option is great! 

I'm so pumped I finally took the time out of my day (35 minutes, to be exact) to set myself up for breakfast for the ENTIRE WEEK! 

the other thing I love about this meal is that they are so versatile! you can really pump up the protein by adding meats- I think next time, I'll add some ground turkey sausage or shredded chicken to the recipe! you can vary your veggies & even add cheese. 

here's how I made them this specific time:

1 dozen large eggs
3 bell peppers
2 cups of spinach

1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. finely chop spinach & peppers & place in bowl (I use my ninja chopper for time & it really gets your veggies you need chopped up to a great texture!) 
3. crack eggs into a separate bowl & whisk 
4. combine egg texture with veggies
5. spray 12 cup muffin tin with non-stick spray
6. fill cups evenly with egg/veggie mixture
7. bake for 20-25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

LET COOL, & ENJOY! I will be storing these in the fridge for easy access in the mornings! no thinking, just heat & eat! 

try this recipe & let me know what you think!


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